Mark Darling Story
Mark Darling – Story 123
I’m not sure I can convey in words how thankful I am for you, your leadership and your care for us. You have deeply influenced our lives and in turn the lives of our children and generations to come. When I think of the most influential people in my life you quickly come to mind. My husband has changed for the better because of how you’ve taught him to be a better husband and father. I’m certainly a more Christ-like mother and wife because of your leadership. Your radical walk with Jesus has impacted our lives greatly and spurred us on closer toward Christ. We are in the best place we’ve been as a married couple in the entire 8 years of our marriage and I know that the Lord has used your shepherding directly to bring us to that place. Our walks with the Lord, our marriage and our parenting are all better and more holy because of your leadership. Your admonishments, sermons and encouragement ring deeply in our hearts pointing us to live a more radical life for Christ. Thank you for passionately leading us. You are inspiring and your zeal for the Lord and His people is to be praised. You remind me of the apostle Paul in many ways. One thing I love about coming to the Rock and listening to your sermons is that every week I leave feeling challenged, encouraged and inspired. I love that you are more concerned with our holiness than how much we like you or think you’re funny or cool. I deeply respect you and your walk with the Lord. I strive to live out my walk with Christ as passionately as you live yours. Your incredible love for us and God’s people is so clear and so impactful. Your sincerity and dedication to us is deeply moving. Thank you for walking so closely with the Lord and sharing your wisdom with us. Thank you for all the countless sacrifices you’ve made to lead your flock so well. We love you, thank God for you and pray He blesses you in return.
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