Mark Darling Story
Mark Darling – Story 77
This is what is amazing to me about Mark. I met him my first time back in 2009, at a “Dad’s Workshop” in Bloomington. I was new to the New Hope Evergreen location and saw this in the bulletin, so I went. Mark greeted me, was super nice and welcoming, shared some incredible things.
But then – a month later, when I came back (Not a Rock or Bloomington attender), the guy knew me BY NAME! And asked how I was doing, how my kids were doing.
And THEN – I see him doing this with other people. And hear of others telling the same story. And how he asks details about you, that you shared once, a week ago, a month ago. I believe Mark when he says, “I’m praying for you” because he follows up on these things.
That’s not common, even among us Christians. It should be. And I love this about Mark.
Shared by Ted